1 PDF  8 in by 11 in (20cm by 28 cm) and 1 PDF instruction

What Expenses should your monthly budget include?

With Budget and Monthly Expense Tracker,

You budget your income and expenses, and you track your actuals every month.

You can easily track your spending to ensure that you spend within your budget.

You know how much you bring in every month and how much you spend.

It is a great template to help you spend less than you earn and apply your remaining income toward your debts or investments.

You can now track your money whether the internet is down or not.

With an inspirational quote, you stay motivated and inspired in your financial journey.




  • Files: 2 Pdf files (1 budget template and 1 instruction)
  • PDF File: 8 inches by 11 inches, Letter Size Paper (8.5” x 11” or 21 cm x 28 cm)
  • Printer: Color Printer is recommended for this template.
  • Enough left margin for 3-hole punching


We would not mail you the template. It is instant download. After you completed the payment process, you would be able to download the files and save on your computer. You would easily print them out.

We recommend you get our “Irregular Expenses” templates as well to budget and track your irregular expenses.